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Failure to Treat

Failure to Treat

Did Your Doctor Fail to Treat Your Illness or Condition?

Modern medicine can accomplish wonders. New developments in our understanding of disease, new and more effective medications, and constant advances in medical technology mean that patients who receive appropriate treatment in a timely manner have a better chance of survival than ever before. But when physicians negligently fail to provide potentially life-saving treatment, the consequences can be tragic.

If a doctor or another medical professional’s failure to treat an illness, disease, or condition was a result of conduct that did not meet the applicable standard of care and the patient suffered as a result, the patient and/or their family may be entitled to compensation. That is why it is important to consult with our experienced medical malpractice attorneys to hold doctors accountable for their negligent failure to treat. At LawMD, we work tirelessly to obtain compensation for victims of medical malpractice throughout the United States.

Contact us online or by phone for a free consultation with nationwide Failure to Treat lawyers.

What Leads to Failure to Treat an Illness or Condition?

There are many reasons why a doctor may fail to treat a medical condition. But, perhaps the most common reason is also the simplest: you simply can’t or won’t treat a condition if you don’t know it exists.

Failure to diagnose an illness or a misdiagnosis can result in delayed treatment, treatment for a condition the patient doesn’t actually have, or no treatment whatsoever. Doctors may rush through their examination of a patient in order to move on to their next appointment. They may fail to acknowledge or respond to a patient’s complaints and symptoms or draw conclusions about the patient’s condition based on overconfidence in their own abilities rather than on objective test results. They may not conduct proper screening or evaluation of a patient’s medical records or family history. All of these mistakes can result in a physician missing clear indicators of illness or disease, and all of these errors can, in turn, lead to the failure to treat a serious medical condition that will only get worse without medical intervention.

Even if doctors do conduct the proper screening, evaluation, and testing, they may fail to properly interpret the results of those tests. They may fail to order additional testing that should have been conducted based on indicators in the earlier tests. Mistakes can be made in the handling of blood and other samples that can call into question the accuracy of test results. Any one of these errors can cause a doctor to misdiagnose a condition, which can lead to further damage. The physician may start a course of treatment for the patient, but it could be for a condition the patient does not have. Sometimes, the wrong course of treatment can cause a patient to be prescribed harmful medication or undergo unnecessary surgery.

Let LawMD Be the Advocate You Need

Proving that a failure to treat was the result of medical malpractice can be extremely difficult. There is a difference between a bad outcome and medical negligence. It must be proven that the doctor and other medical professionals failed to adhere to the proper standard of care in their evaluation and treatment of the patient. This requires extensive experience and an in-depth understanding of both the law and the complex medical issues involved in these types of cases.

At LawMD, many of our failure to treat attorneys are also licensed physicians who use their rich background of knowledge to help victims of medical malpractice fight for the compensation they deserve after a medical error. If you or a loved one has suffered because of a doctor’s failure to treat a disease, illness, or medical condition, LawMD’s lawyers stand ready to help.

Our Failure to Treat Lawyers Can Help You

At LawMD, each of our attorneys have designated fields of practice in which they can assist you and your family with your claim. The attorneys that can assist with birth injury cases include:

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Why you may benefit from a doctor in your courtroom. We understand your injuries, because we’ve likely treated them.

Most of our physician-attorneys are either current or past treating doctors in, collectively, a wide range of medical specialties. There is a good chance one or more of our physician attorneys have actually treated medical conditions similar to the ones from which you or your loved one now suffers. That translates into care and understanding as your Counselors, and know-how as your Advocates.

Time and cost-savings for your case.

Any honest medical malpractice attorney will tell you that one of the greatest expenses in a medical malpractice case is having to pay physician experts to study the details of the medical issues in your case and, if necessary, provide testimony at deposition and trial. While even our physician attorneys may also need to hire outside medical experts for your case, our medical know-how allows us to perform a significant amount of the medical analysis necessary for your case in-house which may translate into significant savings at the conclusion of your case.

Rapid Response with solid answers to your serious questions regarding your case.

Because we have in-house medical know-how, we can evaluate the medical questions in your case and provide answers without a lengthy wait. Our internal process involves getting the issues in your case quickly in front of the right physician attorney who, based on his or her medical experience and training, is most likely to have the answers you seek about whether you have a case and how we might help you get the compensation you deserve to help secure a brighter future for you and for your loved ones.

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