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Intracranial Hemorrhage In Premature Infants

Our visitors often want to learn more about intracranial hemorrhage in premature infants. Stick around you’ll learn more about the effects of intracranial hemorrhage and some common causes.


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Video Transcript

0:00 Intro
0:22 Intracranial Hemorrhage In Premature Infants
1:03 The Effects of Intracranial Hemorrhage
1:42 Causes

Sometimes premature babies have what’s known as intracranial hemorrhage, and this can be a very serious problem in newborn babies.

0:22 Intracranial Hemorrhage In Premature Infants

The type of intracranial hemorrhage that they get is usually intraventricular hemorrhage. The brain has spinal fluid that circulates both on the outside of the brain and on the inside of the brain. One of the places that circulate inside the brain is the ventricles. The ventricles are these open areas on both sides of the brain. There are also ventricles that go down into the bottom of the brain. 

1:03 Effects Of Intracranial Hemorrhage

When babies have a ventricular hemorrhage, instead of having spinal fluid in the ventricles, they have blood. This can damage the brain and it can cause long-term problems.

As a newborn intensive care specialist, I saw a lot of babies who had this kind of problem. It’s not always caused by a problem in the terms of taking care of the baby by the doctors who birthed the baby or take care of the baby later, but it can be. Especially in a situation where the baby is born prematurely, and they really shouldn’t have been born prematurely. 

1:42 Causes Of Intracranial Hemorrhage

Because of an error in obstetrical care, babies can be born prematurely and then end up getting intracranial and intraventricular hemorrhage. When they get these hemorrhages, sometimes it actually damages a large part of the brain and the babies can go to have difficult problems learning, as well as difficult problems walking and talking, and it can be lifelong problems for the baby. So intraventricular hemorrhage can be a very bad thing for a baby to have.

I will also say that sometimes premature babies have small intraventricular hemorrhages, and these are frequently inconsequential to the long-term survival of the baby. But it can happen and it can be due to medical negligence.

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