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Failure To Prevent Blood Clots

“How do you prevent blood clots?” is a common concern for many people. Watch the video below to learn more about the failure to prevent blood clots and how to reduce the chance of blood clots.


Learn More:

Failure To Diagnose A Condition – The Most Common Types Of Negligence

Failure To Diagnose & Cancer Settlements – What To Expect

Failure to Diagnose Cancer – Can You Sue?


Video Transcript

0:00 Intro
0:41 Failure To Prevent Blood Clots: Hypercoagulable State
1:53 Pulmonary Emboli

One of the common problems that occur that results in medical negligence is that some patients develop blood clots. 

Generally, the blood clots start out in the legs. Oftentimes, on patients who have been sitting in bed for prolonged periods of time. Often related to immobility because the muscles of the leg when we walk tend to compress the veins and help the blood return back to the heart.

0:41 Failure To Prevent Blood Clots and How To Reduce The Chance Of Blood Clots: Hypercoagulable State

Another cause is what’s called a hypercoagulable state, and that’s just a big word for the blood is more prone to clot, and that occurs after surgical operations or trauma of any kind. It can be due to blood problems themselves.

Certain blood cancers can cause it and cancer of any kind can cause increased coagulability, the tendency of blood to clot.

All of those things make it paramount for the doctors to recognize that this patient is prone to forming blood clots and takes steps to prevent those blood clots from forming.

What makes blood clots so dangerous in addition to the damage that they cause to the veins and the legs themselves is that those blood clots can break off from those veins and travel through the blood system to the heart and from the heart to the lungs. When those blood clots reach the lungs, they can block off the blood supply to the lungs and cause the death of lung tissue.

1:53 Pulmonary Emboli

A prompt diagnosis of blood clots in the legs and particularly when they break off and go to the lungs That’s called pulmonary emboli is a medical emergency. It requires immediate attention, and usually requires anticoagulation with medications which prevent or limit the ability of the blood to clot. This is a common cause of death, postoperatively as well as after trying injuries such as automobile accidents.

Every doctor in that circumstance has got to pay a lot of attention to this problem. Drugs can be used to prevent blood clots when people are immobile. 

Like with all diseases and all melodies, prevention is a lot easier and a lot better than treating the condition after it occurs.

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